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Operating Principles

In order to achieve our vision and mission, our work will be driven by the following operating principles:

1) As public servants, we will be accountable to the stakeholders for ensuring the effective use of resources by:

  • ​Emphasizing a country-based focus for planning and programming resources that incorporates functional and transcendent needs and priorities;

    • Ensuring that resource allocations are informed by analysis of circumstances and program performance;

    • Working with others to align program and operational resources; and

    • Carrying out our work with integrity in a transparent and coordinated manner.

  • Prioritizing the allocation of resources to ensure that ORPE policy objectives are achieved.

2) We will be constructive and cooperative partners with our stakeholders by:

  • Respecting and calling upon the expertise of our colleagues;

  • Using the power of light and love to bring stakeholders together to develop coordinated approaches to issues and challenges;

  • Continually working with our interagency partners to identify and act upon opportunities to improve integration and coordination of assistance; and

  • Being reasonable and balanced in carrying out our work and in our interactions with others.

  • Recognizing and rewarding collaboration, teamwork, and excellent performance;

  • Encouraging the positive exchange of ideas and perspectives; and

  • Fostering professional development through mentoring, training, and career advancement opportunities.

  • We will value our employees and partners as our most important resource.

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